FamilyFarmed At Play: La Vie En Rose at Chicago’s Green City Market
Published On: June 4th, 2017|Categories: Good Food News|

by Bob Benenson with David Titus, FamilyFarmed

Red is a very fashionable color at Chicago-area farmers market in late spring, as FamilyFarmed Office Manager David Titus beautifully illustrates in the photos he took at Green City Market on Saturday (June 3) of the vivid magentas and red and pinks.

FamilyFarmed At PlayWe always urge our readers to shop at farmers market. That’s mainly because you can bring home all kinds of vegetables, meats, processed items and decorative plants that are super-fresh, just-picked delicious and nutritious, sustainably produced, and a boon to the local small farmers who grow that food for you.

But the explosion of brilliant colors as the growing season approaches its peak makes visiting your local farmers market an amazing aesthetic experience — a true thing of beauty.

Nutritionists urge us all to “eat the rainbow” in order to obtain the fullest range of nutrients and anti-oxidants from the food we eat. Just browsing among all of these beautiful colors makes that even more tempting to do.

If you’re not already a regular, please visit a farmers market near you soon! Know your farmer, know your food. (All photographs by David Titus/FamilyFarmed)


FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play

FamilyFarmed At Play


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